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Importing and Planned For

Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | asked Sep 10 '12, 9:52 a.m.
I was doing some Work Item imports today from a .csv file and using a custom mapping file.  No matter what I attempted, I could never get the Planned For to pick up an existing Iteration on the project timeline .. it kept creating new timelines.  Has anyone done this and if so, can you let me see your custom mapping xml file??


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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Sep 10 '12, 10:32 a.m.

You have to have the Iteration ID, full path in the "Planned For" column of the import file.

Best is to export a query result with the ECLIPSE CLIENT. In the Export ask to export the ID and not the Display Name.

Attention: if you export into a csv file out of the WEB you get the Display Name of the Iteration. If you then import this, you create Iterations with names, which already exist! Very dangerous.

Susan Hanson commented Sep 10 '12, 11:21 a.m.

Right ... when I export with the Eclipse Client, I get something like this: M7.3

However, that is not the "full path" and if I just use "M7.3" it creates a new Timeline with "M7.3".

My Timeline is called "WAS Common Timeline" and then I have a hierarchy WAS Common Timeline [project timeline] Milestone 7 M7.1 M7.2 M7.3

I've tried almost all combinations of the timeline name/milestone name/iteraration, but for some reason, it keeps just generating me new ones.


Guido Schneider commented Sep 10 '12, 11:32 a.m. | edited Sep 10 '12, 11:46 a.m.

I did a short test with RTC Full Client I exported some Work Items. I added the "Planned For" Column. I set in the "Choose attributes to export" Option I want to show the "Internal Value". Result: Full Path like :"/AllBYMain/AllBY/BY2012/2012.09". This I can import and the "Planned For" is correctly set for all WorkItems.

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