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ITCS104 and RTC 1.0

Adriano Fanelli (2333029) | asked Sep 26 '08, 10:19 a.m.
Hello Folks,
I have a question regarding ITCS104 rules ... Members of a project area may be entitled to have access to all the components within one project?
The term "broad entitlements" in the ITCS104 'Authorization' may be applied for a RTC Project Area?
Or the ITCS104 rules may only apply "if the tool has the capability to implement that feature" so RTC can be categorized as an 'off-the-shelf' application?
Well then ... may I leave access to all the members of the same Project Area see all components of the Project?
Thanx in Advance, Adriano

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Scott Rich (57136) | answered Oct 01 '08, 2:29 p.m.
Adriano, we have an extensive self-hosting environment using RTC which is fully ITCS104 compliant. I can provide you more specifics if you want to drop me an e-mail.

Scott Rich
Jazz Team

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