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Team concert Crash and db goes to an inconsistant state.

Chathura Herath (16) | asked Jul 24 '07, 10:38 a.m.
My Team concert crashed and when i restarted it the databases seems inconsistent. I am using the derby.


Can someone tell me how i can recover from the situation. I don't mind the data loss right now. Can i just replace some files in my installation by that of the original distribution and get back on business.

I could file a WorkItem with the stack trace if the team is gonna look at the problem. (I haven't captured the original stacktrace that cause the Team concert to crash though)

4 answers

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Chris Daly (61651) | answered Jul 24 '07, 1:49 p.m.
Hi Chathura,

The error message looks the same as the one I saw for defect 25895. Are
you using the Beta1? Were you using repotools to create a database?
You might just need to fixup the derby.jar files as described here:

If you really have a corrupted database and are trying to start over
with a fresh one, I can think of two ways you could do it:

1) use "repotools -createDB ..." to recreate a database

2) Go to <jazzhome>\jazz\server\db and rename the db folder to "db-bad".
Then unzip the JazzTeamServer zip into a temporary location and find
the database that it contains at <TEMP>\jazz\server\db and copy that to


cherath wrote:
My Team concert crashed and when i restarted it the databases seems
inconsistent. I am using the derby.


Can someone tell me how i can recover from the situation. I don't mind
the data loss right now. Can i just replace some files in my
installation by that of the original distribution and get back on

I could file a WorkItem with the stack trace if the team is gonna look
at the problem. (I haven't captured the original stacktrace that cause
the Team concert to crash though)

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Jul 24 '07, 2:00 p.m.
Try exiting the Jazz client, stopping the Jazz server, removing (or renaming) the jazz\server\db directory, re-starting the server and re-starting the client.

This should create a new database, meaning that all information from your old database will be lost. You will need to create a new project area an start from scratch.

You may also want to use a new workspace when you start the client, to avoid using cached information that is no longer valid.


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Chathura Herath (16) | answered Jul 24 '07, 4:27 p.m.
Thanks guys,
here is my feed back.

Chris I am using your launch configuration to launch it from jetty. Somehow it kept on getting confused regarding some aspect related to database. So i infact had to change the workspace and then it started working.

If you want to recreate the problem i had, configure team-concert for derby and do a non graceful shutdown. I faced this cos my workbench crashed after running for like two weeks :-).
Thanks again

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Ritchie Schacher - IBM (47611) | answered Aug 07 '07, 10:36 p.m.

If you have a reproducible scenario please consider filing a defect.


"cherath" <> wrote in message
Thanks guys,
here is my feed back.

Chris I am using your launch configuration to launch it from jetty.
Somehow it kept on getting confused regarding some aspect related to
database. So i infact had to change the workspace and then it started

If you want to recreate the problem i had, configure team-concert for
derby and do a non graceful shutdown. I faced this cos my workbench
crashed after running for like two weeks :-).
Thanks again

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