Issue in RTC 4.0 Extension Workshop

In Page Page 75 , _12_b section, the picture is wrong
1. "Required Properties" is not available in the drop down of "Add" Precondition
2."Add" Follow-up action is disabled. so couldn't add follow-up action.
One answer

Hi Anil,
This is an old picture, that slipped my attention. The precondition is now called "Required Attributes for Type and State" I will fix that.
- If the add button for the followup action you are developing is grayed out, that means that you failed to follow the workshop. Potentially you did something wrong when modifying the feature based launches or you are operating against the development server rather than the debug Jetty server at https://localhost:7443/jazz/web you where supposed to launch. if there is no Follow up action deployed you can't add anything.