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Find out how much time a person spent on a work item

Christophe Elek (2.9k13021) | asked Jul 20 '07, 9:09 a.m.
Is there a way I can find how much time I spent workin gon a work item ?
I am looking for some kind of check in/check out feature in a work item
When I check it in, the clock starts and other people know I am working on
the WI
When I check out, the clock stops

Christophe Elek
Serviceability Architect
IBM Software Group - Rational

2 answers

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Harry Koehnemann (30125238) | answered Jul 22 '07, 5:12 p.m.
I wondered the same thing. I see a "Start/Stop Working" actions on work items, but not sure what they do - other than assign the WI to the current user if not already assigned. They do enforce a user only works on a single WI at a time. But I can't see a histroy of who worked on it, nor how long. Possibly a place holder for future enhancement?

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Tobias Widmer (3211) | answered Jul 27 '07, 8:19 a.m.
harryk schrieb:
I wondered the same thing. I see a "Start/Stop Working"
actions on work items, but not sure what they do - other than assign
the WI to the current user if not already assigned. They do enforce
a user only works on a single WI at a time. But I can't see a
histroy of who worked on it, nor how long. Possibly a place holder
for future enhancement?

Hi Harry,

The Start/Stop Working actions are mainly used to set the current work
context. SCM i.e. uses this to associated the changes to the correct
work item, or to resume/suspend changes if the current work item changes.

There is public API available to listen to such events, which may be
interesting to other components as well.


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