How can I change the state of a work item from New to Start Working using Plain Java API?
One answer
what does 'event' mean? who fires this 'event'..
to change a state you would
get the workitem handle, (find by name, id, tag, , .... somehow)
then get its full state, (read only)
then get its workingCopy (changeable) thru the workItemClient service methods
and then using its workingcopy get the allowed actions (start working, set resolved) from the workitems current state, and then use the workingcopy.
to change a state you would
get the workitem handle, (find by name, id, tag, , .... somehow)
then get its full state, (read only)
then get its workingCopy (changeable) thru the workItemClient service methods
and then using its workingcopy get the allowed actions (start working, set resolved) from the workitems current state, and then use the workingcopy.
setWorkflowAction(java.lang.String action) to set the action to be executed when the copy is saved...
then save, via the fucntion..
all this I found thru looking at the javadoc for the plainjava libraries.
I don' have a sample like this