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How to import "simple flow diagrams" in RRC?

Pietro Mazzoleni (461110) | asked Aug 01 '12, 4:01 p.m.
Is there a way to mass import process diagrams into RRC?
I have an existing large library of flows and I would like to convert those in "Simple Process Diagram" to be able to leverage RRC going forward.
Thanks for the answer

2 answers

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Aug 01 '12, 5:33 p.m.
Hi Pietro,

If you are using 4.0, you can use the ReqIF functionality to include various process diagrams, and then use the export/import feature to import the diagrams in to other projects.  If you're using 3.x, you are limited to creating a project template and deploying new projects based off of the template, however cannot import in to existing projects.  Hope it helps,

Pietro Mazzoleni commented Aug 02 '12, 1:16 p.m. | edited Aug 02 '12, 3:00 p.m.

Thanks Benjamin,
Yes, with ReqIf I can move process flows from one project to another. However, how can I mass-create/import (in RRC) process flows not originally created in RRC? To be clear, I have process flows in Visio and BPMN I want to port to RRC.

Btw, I noticed (from ReqIf report) the tool uses some sort of BPMN format in the process flow content. Is there a way to leverage it (and programmatically load BPMN content in RRC)?

Thanks for the answer

Jared Pulham commented Dec 11 '12, 5:35 a.m.

We do not have a BPMN import option yet in RRC 4.x so if the tool does not support a ReqIF XML schema then it will have to either be manually recreated, imported as a graphic, or linked using the 4.x OSLC linking ability for Architecture Management.

We hope to support a BPMN method in a future release.

Jared Pulham
Senior Product Manager, RM for CLM Tools

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Saran Kathirvelu (36911) | answered Dec 07 '12, 10:14 a.m.
 Even our organization has process flow diagrams in BPMN format (originally developed using Metastorm/OpetText Provision tool). We are looking for import those process flow into RRC and link the model objects/entities to requirements. I checked in RRC version 4.x. I don't think there is an option to this functionality. When do you think this functionality will be supported in RRC? 

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