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RTC and RAD 6.0 integration

Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | asked Sep 02 '08, 2:08 p.m.
I am working with a client who cannot upgrade from Rational Application Developer 6.0 due to another piece of software (WebSphere Commerce Developer 6) that requires it. Keeping this in mind, are there any options to use RTC and somehow integrate the two separate Eclipse environments?

One suggestion was to use Subversion in each environment to share the source code between them as a bridge. This, however, sounds more trouble than it's worth and would create a negative image of RTC. Any suggestions?

This post outlines how to get WebSphere Commerce Developer 6 into RAD 7.0. I wonder if I could force it into 7.5 beta...

I will post results if I find any.

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 10 '08, 2:14 a.m.
Hello benjamin,

You can also version Projetcs in RTC - in another shell. You import them
into RTC, create the component and shre them.
Afterwards you can import them into RAD 6 (without copying). What happens
is, RAS changes just the files and you can switch over to RTC do a refresh
and chechin changes.


I am working with a client who cannot upgrade from Rational
Application Developer 6.0 due to another piece of software (WebSphere
Commerce Developer 6) that requires it. Keeping this in mind, are
there any options to use RTC and somehow integrate the two separate
Eclipse environments?

One suggestion was to use Subversion in each environment to share the
source code between them as a bridge. This, however, sounds more
trouble than it's worth and would create a negative image of RTC. Any

This post outlines how to get WebSphere Commerce Developer 6 into RAD
7.0. I wonder if I could force it into 7.5 beta...

I will post results if I find any.

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