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Local workspace full path - precondition

Yehiel Glass (25548986) | asked Jul 15 '12, 8:33 a.m.
retagged Jul 16 '12, 9:29 a.m. by Evan Hughes (2.4k1318)
How can I get the real path to a file using deliver operation precondition ?
I know I can get the path from the root folder of the eclipse project, but I want to get the path to the Eclipse project also (like : C:\first_folder\second_folder\abc.cob) .

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Evan Hughes (2.4k1318) | answered Jul 16 '12, 9:34 a.m.
edited Jul 16 '12, 9:35 a.m.
It sounds like you want to use a client-side precondition on deliver. 

Take a look at the AbstractShareableAdvisor. The bit close to:

ISharingManager sharingManager = FileSystemCore.getSharingManager();
Collection<IShareable> shareables = sharingManager.findShareables(sourceWorkspace, componentHandle, versionableHandle, changeMonitor.newChild(1));

is probably what you want.

Evan Hughes commented Jul 16 '12, 9:36 a.m.

Note that the "ishareable" listed above should be "IShareable". For some reason the website is monkeying with my capitalization.

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