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Restricting Access to Specific Individuals

Dan Duce (2534745) | asked Jun 29 '12, 8:06 a.m.
A user is trying to restrict read access to only specific individuals but it isn't working.  The community default i that logged in users can read anything.   She clicked on Manage Permissions and added a group that she wants to be able to read the asset.  She doesn't want everyone to be able to read it.

Can you do this?

We tried setting the lifecycle state for Approved assets to Over-ride community settings, but this prevents everyone from viewing the asset, even people she adds using Manage Permissions.

How can you restrict an asset so that only certain people can see it?


2 answers

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Jul 01 '12, 5:52 p.m.
From the lifecycle choose "Override all' under the Permissions section.  Next, add the individual users as reviewers within the lifecycle.  They will only be able to approve or modify the asset if you check those permissions.

permanent link
Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Jul 13 '12, 10:52 a.m.
In RAM there is no "-" for permissions ... only "+" .... so you can start from no-one can see anything, and adds only those that can see  (with roles, lifecycle state ... etc.)

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