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REquirement Composer server initialization problem

Halil Bahadır (1113924) | asked Aug 22 '08, 3:56 a.m.

I've installed the RRCS (Beta2) and RRCC but when I started to initialize server ı got the error below.
What can be the problem?

Validating database alias JRSDB ...
Validating database alias JRSXML ...
Trying to connect to JRS using http://localhost:9080/jazz/web ...
JRS server is up and running...
Shutting down the JRS server...
Waiting for the JRS server to stop...

Starting DB2 server...

SQL1026N The database manager is already active.

Creating database JRSDB ...

Creating database JRSXML ...

DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.

DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.
Updating database parameters for JRSDB...

Cannot update database parameters
The initialization aborted with errors!

SQL5153N The update cannot be completed because the following relationship
would be violated: "APPGROUP_MEM_SZ >= APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ".
The operation was canceled!

5 answers

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Matt Lavin (2.7k2) | answered Aug 22 '08, 8:13 a.m.
I've never seen any output like that coming from a Jazz or RTC code.
Are you using some RRC specific tool?

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

zhbaha wrote:

I've installed the RRCS (Beta2) and RRCC but when I started to
initialize server 1 got the error below.
What can be the problem?

Validating database alias JRSDB ...
Validating database alias JRSXML ...
Trying to connect to JRS using http://localhost:9080/jazz/web ...
JRS server is up and running...
Shutting down the JRS server...
Waiting for the JRS server to stop...

Starting DB2 server...

SQL1026N The database manager is already active.

Creating database JRSDB ...

Creating database JRSXML ...

DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.

DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.
Updating database parameters for JRSDB...

Cannot update database parameters
The initialization aborted with errors!

SQL5153N The update cannot be completed because the following
would be violated: "APPGROUP_MEM_SZ >= APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ".
The operation was canceled!

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Halil Bahadır (1113924) | answered Aug 25 '08, 8:32 a.m.
No just downloaded Rational Requirement Composer Beta2 and installed both server and client. Then server initialization step is failed as i wrote before..

I'm also using Rational Team Concert without any problem..But Requirement Composer failed.


I've never seen any output like that coming from a Jazz or RTC code.
Are you using some RRC specific tool?

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

zhbaha wrote:

I've installed the RRCS (Beta2) and RRCC but when I started to
initialize server 1 got the error below.
What can be the problem?

Validating database alias JRSDB ...
Validating database alias JRSXML ...
Trying to connect to JRS using http://localhost:9080/jazz/web ...
JRS server is up and running...
Shutting down the JRS server...
Waiting for the JRS server to stop...

Starting DB2 server...

SQL1026N The database manager is already active.

Creating database JRSDB ...

Creating database JRSXML ...

DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.

DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.
Updating database parameters for JRSDB...

Cannot update database parameters
The initialization aborted with errors!

SQL5153N The update cannot be completed because the following
would be violated: "APPGROUP_MEM_SZ >= APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ".
The operation was canceled!

permanent link
Matt Lavin (2.7k2) | answered Aug 25 '08, 9:16 a.m.
Ok, it sounds like some RRC specific problem, and not RTC related. I'll
try to get somebody from the RRC team to help you out.

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

zhbaha wrote:
No just downloaded Rational Requirement Composer Beta2 and installed
both server and client. Then server initialization step is failed as
i wrote before..

I'm also using Rational Team Concert without any problem..But
Requirement Composer failed.


I've never seen any output like that coming from a Jazz or RTC code.

Are you using some RRC specific tool?

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

zhbaha wrote:

I've installed the RRCS (Beta2) and RRCC but when I started to
initialize server 1 got the error below.
What can be the problem?

Validating database alias JRSDB ...
Validating database alias JRSXML ...
Trying to connect to JRS using http://localhost:9080/jazz/web ...
JRS server is up and running...
Shutting down the JRS server...
Waiting for the JRS server to stop...

Starting DB2 server...

SQL1026N The database manager is already active.

Creating database JRSDB ...

Creating database JRSXML ...

DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.

DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.
Updating database parameters for JRSDB...

Cannot update database parameters
The initialization aborted with errors!

SQL5153N The update cannot be completed because the following
would be violated: "APPGROUP_MEM_SZ >=
The operation was canceled!

permanent link
Petru Acsinte (1311) | answered Aug 25 '08, 7:05 p.m.

What DB2 version are you using? Please use db2level in a cmd window and paste the output.

This looks to me like DB2 9.5 is used with open beta and the configuration tool fails to set the db parameters. The open beta version of the RRC server should be installed against a DB2 9.1.2 version.


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Halil Bahadır (1113924) | answered Aug 26 '08, 2:59 a.m.
Yes you're right DB2 version is db2 9.5..I thought that if it can work with 9.1.2 then it can be work with 9.5 :)

I will try it with 9.1.2..

thanks for your help..


What DB2 version are you using? Please use db2level in a cmd window and paste the output.

This looks to me like DB2 9.5 is used with open beta and the configuration tool fails to set the db parameters. The open beta version of the RRC server should be installed against a DB2 9.1.2 version.


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