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Export artifact stats to excel

Rick Reagan (111) | asked Jun 07 '12, 5:19 p.m.

I want to extract simple stats for defect tracking from RTC so that I can build my own Excel diagrams. 

For example:


Level           Closed     Open      Total

Priority 1          4              1            5

Prty 2               3              8           11

Prty 3               1              2             3

Prty 4               2              1             3


Feature        Closed      Open    Total


Sysplex          1              3             4

zIIP                3               8            11








Any ideas on how to do this?





One answer

permanent link
VK L (8177157159) | answered Jun 08 '12, 1:00 a.m.
You can create a query or a report to suit your requirement.


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