RTC rich client and eclipse 4.2 (Juno)
9 answers
If you are using Eclipse Juno, you may have issues with accepting/delivering pending changes from time to time. I just found a workaround:
Deliver your changes:
1. Check in files to a change set
2. Select one checked in file from Project Explorer
3. Right click the file and select Team->Deliver
4. “Check-in local changes” is popped up. Click NO
5. “Deliver Change sets” is popped up. All pending change sets are displayed. Select the one you want to deliver and click ok
6. If the change set is not associated with a work item, you will get error. You can create work item and complete the delivering.
Accept changes
7. Select a file which is in one change set from Project Explorer
8. Right click the file and select Team->Accept
Can the RTC client be deployed in a 4.2 (Juno) eclipse platform ?I have tried installing RTC using a p2 repo into 4.2 M6. It works as far as I noticed. There may be a few bugs but it was usable for the most part. You may be able to see some of the logged bugs so far if you search jazz.net work items related to Eclipse 4.2 or 4.x. Eclipse 4.x isn't supported though so those work items don't have a planned target for completion.
After further analysis, I noticed that the 3.0iFix1 p2 repo file was packaged differently than the p2 repo file. I extracted the zip, and rezipped at the repo level (ie: root folder of zip now contains artifacts.xml, content.xml, etc). Juno picked it up properly this time and installed as expected. Left to determine if it works properly, but at first glance, all seems okay.
The "dropins" mechanism does work, but using a p2 package is usually better (automatic dependency tracking etc.)
1 vote
You are right but when you have 150 people to distribute RTC, dropins saves the day :) I am sick dealing with dependency problem of eclipse plugins like spring,hibernate,etc... There's always a dependency problem when I use repository connections.
But I'll try your suggestion. Thanx