Can Work Item List be customized to allow non unique items?

One answer

No, unfortunately this is not possible. Currently every entry in a list attribute will be unique.
You can file an enhancement request for Rational Team Concert to allow repeating entries in lists.
You can file an enhancement request for Rational Team Concert to allow repeating entries in lists.

Thank you Filip for your response. I will file the request for enhancement. In the mean time, can you suggest another attribute type as a workaround? I need a dynamically built list of names that can be repeated.
Thanks, Audrey

Hey Audrey,
In RTC 4.0 we introduced String Lists, but those have the same limitation. Of the top of my head I can only think of a Medium (or large if it does not have to be queryable) string with a text presentation. Then you can have a comma (or new line) separated list of items.
If you provide some information on "what" you want to achieve (e.g. why would you want to enter a work item twice) instead of "how", we might be able to provide a different solution which works better.
sam detweiler
Jun 01 '12, 8:28 p.m.can u explain a little more the list u want.. what is it showing, if not workitems?
Audrey Wang
Jun 01 '12, 7:33 p.m.Currently with the Work Item List attribute type, I cannot 'add' workitem2 to the attribute if workitem2 is already in the list, so this attribute type can only contain unique work items, i.e.,
{workitem 1,
workitem 2,
workitem 3}
I'd like a list attribute that's capable of containing multiple instances of the same work item, i.e.,
{workitem 1,
workitem 2,
workitem 2,
workitem 3,
workitem 3,
workitem 4}
Hope that makes sense.
sam detweiler
Jun 01 '12, 8:28 p.m.sorry, still no clue..
can u give us a business description of what you are trying to display?
I want to see all the ????? in a list.
workitem 'list' attribute?
never seen a workitem list (class or attibute)
can u show us the code u are trying to use?