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Team, stream, components, access control

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Apr 30 '12, 5:20 p.m.

I have an interesting setup here.

1. There is only one development stream, everybody works on this same single streams.
2. There are two levels of teams, integration team, data team, analyst team and test team. Under integration team, there are alpha, brova team, etc. they are developers. This setup is used in planning.
3. There are a dozen components, I guess different integration teams are working on different components.

Somehow the access control is messed up so developers can't deliver, and now I try to figure out. To me, I can just set the owner of stream to the project area and owner of components to each child of integration team?

Is there anything we can improve?


2 answers

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Parker Dunton (4064) | answered Apr 30 '12, 6:23 p.m.
Hi Jirong,

What error are you seeing? This could also be a permission issue. Your developers will need SCM Deliver permission in the context of whatever team area or project area that owns the stream they are trying to deliver to.

Jazz Foundation | Process team

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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Apr 30 '12, 7:06 p.m.
If I configure as in my first post, stream belongs to the integration team while individual component belongs to sub teams, developers in sub team can't deliver.

If the component is belong to integration team while the developer is belong to sub integration team, e.g. Alpha, then he can't deliver. So one way is to change owner of the component to Alpha. Then anyone wants to deliver to this component has to be in Alpha team.

I am thinking if this is a good setup. Another way could be have multiple streams, each stream with components belongs to a single team. Then have an integration stream have R/O to all components from different teams. Nobody needs to work on the integration stream but a build process.


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