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Import work item approvals from CSV

Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | asked Apr 24 '12, 9:46 a.m.
Hi, can I import work item with approval attribute in CSV to create or modify the WI approvals?

Accepted answer

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Nate Decker (37814561) | answered Jun 21 '13, 1:52 p.m.
edited Jun 26 '13, 9:45 a.m.

I found this article which seems to have a suggestion using Java.

Note that this method relies on the availability of APIs that are included in the SDK. I don't think most installations come with the SDK installed by default. In addition, the SDK includes directory structures and file names which exceed the length supported by NTFS file systems so it is difficult to add the SDK onto a client installation.

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | answered Apr 24 '12, 9:46 a.m.
If import is not possible, how can I use Java API or other method to set the Approval attribute?


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Pavithra Kasturirangan (42956056) | answered Apr 25 '12, 7:15 a.m.
If import is not possible, how can I use Java API or other method to set the Approval attribute?


Hi, Anyone has a solution to this ? I'm looking for retrieving the list of all tasks with the name of the approvers as one of the columns in the exported report.
The current query lets only to choose the name of the approver explicitly but that will not help. We need to get the individual names.

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