How would I build a TestCase Repository for many projects
One answer
Greetings fellow Jazz Users,
I'm trying to put together a 'Central Repository' for all my test cases to be used across several 'LifeCycle' projects. Anyone have an idea of how this could be accomplished?
Kind Regards,
This can be done by just creating a "Central Repository" project and then creating the test cases there. Then to copy them t another project, log in to the "Central Repository" project and use the duplicate functionality in the UI.
That said, that isn't a process that I would recommend. It will cause the duplication of a lot of data in the data base because each duplicated test case will be a separate entity. If possible it would be better not to use multiple ProjectAreas that way. Have one ProjectArea for a product and then use TestPlans as the top level container for a release. That would allow you to just reference the same test cases from multiple test plans removing the need to copy.