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Formal Process - Summary Task best practice?

Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10288273) | asked Apr 19 '12, 8:00 a.m.

For those using the Formal Process, how are you handling Summary Tasks? Do you use Task, or Project Change Request, or Milestone?

thoughts would be appreciated...

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Michael Prentice (622913) | answered Jun 17 '13, 5:08 p.m.
We are currently using Milestones to do this. It took some tweaking of the project configuration to get it working how we wanted though. We would love to hear more about best practices for Formal Projects in RTC. I've googled and searched all around the forums and, etc. But I can't really find anything really complete and helpful, especially with the advanced topics of planning for a Formal Project.

We started with Tasks btw but ended up changing to Milestones to allow more useful filtering.
Sterling Ferguson-II selected this answer as the correct answer

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