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How to set jazz.encoding

Shinobu Ishida (1371915) | asked Apr 10 '12, 5:11 a.m.
When checkin. jazz.encoding is set according to the text file encode on Eclipse client ( right click > property ).

We have to change this default jazz.encoding.
I run "scm property set jazz.encoding ..." command, but it fails because "setting encode is not supported yet".

Which RTC version supports this command?

Does anyone know how to set jazz.encoding?



2 answers

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Apr 11 '12, 12:54 a.m.
scm cli does not allow setting the jazz.encoding property as it is a read only property. The latest version of RTC also does not allow you to set this property.

When checkin. jazz.encoding is set according to the text file encode on Eclipse client ( right click > property ).

We have to change this default jazz.encoding.
I run "scm property set jazz.encoding ..." command, but it fails because "setting encode is not supported yet".

Which RTC version supports this command?

Does anyone know how to set jazz.encoding?



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Shinobu Ishida (1371915) | answered Apr 11 '12, 6:26 a.m.
jazz.encoding is a read only property... I try to remove and re-checkin the file.


scm cli does not allow setting the jazz.encoding property as it is a read only property. The latest version of RTC also does not allow you to set this property.

When checkin. jazz.encoding is set according to the text file encode on Eclipse client ( right click > property ).

We have to change this default jazz.encoding.
I run "scm property set jazz.encoding ..." command, but it fails because "setting encode is not supported yet".

Which RTC version supports this command?

Does anyone know how to set jazz.encoding?



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