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Test Data only returns a single value

Chris Palmer (251112) | asked Apr 04 '12, 10:50 a.m.
When using test data we upload a csv file with multiple columns and rows.

When we try and use the test data in the RQM test script we can select a single column which then provides the data from the cell in the row directly below the column. We are not able to access any data other than the row underneath the column headers.

Is it possible to access the data in the other rows? Or are we simply expected to upload multiple column, two row cvs files for each row of data we want to access?

Any suggestions or guidance appreciated.

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Jerry Shengulette (63914) | answered Apr 10 '12, 9:39 a.m.
When using test data we upload a csv file with multiple columns and rows.

When we try and use the test data in the RQM test script we can select a single column which then provides the data from the cell in the row directly below the column. We are not able to access any data other than the row underneath the column headers.

Is it possible to access the data in the other rows? Or are we simply expected to upload multiple column, two row cvs files for each row of data we want to access?

Any suggestions or guidance appreciated.

Running a test case with a manual test script that is associated with a set of test data will "loop" through the test data as it runs, meaning you'd see one set of test steps for each row in the data.

What version of RQM are you using?

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