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RTC 3.0.1 - zLinux - Web Client - Home button hangs

Donald Poulin (2249119107) | asked Mar 19 '12, 6:12 a.m.
I have a customer who has RTC under tomcat on Windows XP and under WebSphere on zLinux. When using the web client - for Windowx XP when the user selects the "Home" button it takes him to his personal dashboard - but for zLinux when the user selects the "Home" button it just "hangs" on "Loading...." Any ideas on what the problem could be?

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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k34348) | answered Mar 28 '12, 4:03 a.m.
I have a customer who has RTC under tomcat on Windows XP and under WebSphere on zLinux. When using the web client - for Windowx XP when the user selects the "Home" button it takes him to his personal dashboard - but for zLinux when the user selects the "Home" button it just "hangs" on "Loading...." Any ideas on what the problem could be?

Could be the cross server authentication - can he reach both the JTS and the RTC on his zLinux?

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