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No team areas when making a widget

Sofus Albertsen (471014) | asked Feb 14 '12, 6:13 a.m.
I am making a "proof of concept" project in my company.
I am very keen on the dashboard for overview of the whole projects progress.
I have made a build engine with several builds and now i want to show the build statistics such as health and time, but i cannot choose a build deffinition, because i cannot select a team area. (see the picture for more info)

I haven't dived into the planning yet, but i can see that there is a failure there as well, since both my own, and the jUnit-example team cannot make the burndown charts nor anything else related to plans, even though there is a plan.

Hopefully somebody knows what i am doing wrong.
I'm running on the latest release of RTC (

Best regards
Sofus Alberten

One answer

permanent link
Sofus Albertsen (471014) | answered Feb 14 '12, 6:18 a.m.
As an addition:
Here you can se the project and team areas

And here is the artifacts view in eclipse:

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