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Can not Check-in/Upload the document file in RTC

Dashrath Kale (1542723) | asked Feb 13 '12, 9:16 a.m.

I am trying to upload the MS word document file in RTC and the file is of size of 47.5MB, while uploading this file I am getting below error:

Failed to upload File /MyInfo.doc
CRJAZ1247I The request to the server failed. The server returned the http error 400 with error text "Bad Request". Examine any further details here or look in the server log files for more information on how to resolve the issue.

I can not see any more information in the server log file.

I have tried to set the file properties as below:

I set the MIME type and Line Delimiter to "text/plain" with the Line Delimiter set to "Platform".Also tried it settings the MIME Type to application/unknown and Delimiter as None but these both settings resulted in the same issue.

Let me know if anyone has any solution for this issue.

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 13 '12, 9:59 a.m.

I frequently check in presentations etc. in RTC. They are not that big however.
Since we can't merge Word documents My settings are:

MIME Type: application/unknown
Line Delimiter: None(binary)

That should be the default, I believe.

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Dashrath Kale (1542723) | answered Feb 14 '12, 3:46 a.m.

Thanks for the reply.

I also have the document with same properties as mentioned by you but still getting the below error:

Failed to upload File /MyInfo.doc
CRJAZ1247I The request to the server failed. The server returned the http error 400 with error text "Bad Request". Examine any further details here or look in the server log files for more information on how to resolve the issue.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 14 '12, 4:49 a.m.
You could try to follow

and do some SCM server side logging. Add the statements to the of your ccm application.

# Uncomment these lines to create a versioned content access log file
# WARNING : These files will grow fairly fast, if you wish to process this accurately, you
# will could use a FileAppender and pipe it into another script/program.
#log4j.appender.scm_scaa.layout.ConversionPattern=%m %n
#log4j.logger.scm_scaa=TRACE, scm_scaa

The log format is as follows:


1 is the user id
2 is the versionable item type (likely FileItem)
3 is the versionable name (not full path, just the last segment)
4 is the versionable item id
5 is the versionable state id
6 is the component name
7 is the component item id

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