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JazzClientException: Error updating state history

Sanjay Karnam (4144) | asked Feb 09 '12, 10:27 a.m.
We are trying to bulk load some assets to RAM using the RAM java API. The code has been working fine for months but started seeing the following error since the last couple days. Any ideas as to what could be causing this error? We restarted the RAM server a couple of days ago but not sure if that's what is causing this issue. Thanks.

2012-02-09 08:42:30,163: INFO:Putting Automated Processing of RC Input Letters into motsMap and putting the app asset in RAM

2012-02-09 08:42:31,726: WARN:HTTP Error trying to upload. (500: Internal Server Error), STATUSTEXT:Internal Server Error, RESPONSE:Error 500: Unknown exception while submitting asset
: Failed to submit asset - Automated Processing of RC Input Letters - ID#64F3090A-99BB-F5B3-3224-527CD4B02687 Version#1.0 - Error updating state history

2012-02-09 08:42:31,726:ERROR:Error when uploading the asset {0}.Automated Processing of RC Input Letters
Manifest = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<defaultprofile:Asset xmi:version="2.0"
xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:defaultprofile="http:///defaultprofile22.ecore" name="Automated Processing of RC Input Letters"
id="64F3090A-99BB-F5B3-3224-527CD4B02687" version="1.0" shortDescription="Automated Processing of RC Input Letters">
<descriptorGroup name="AssetType">
<nodeDescriptor href=""/>
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<freeFormDescriptor href=""/>
<freeFormValue value="PRD" freeFormDescriptor="ca.mots_status_type_code"/>
<freeFormValue value="SAPP">
<freeFormDescriptor href=""/>
<freeFormValue value="APRIL">
<freeFormDescriptor href=""/>
<freeFormValue value="false">
<freeFormDescriptor href=""/>
<freeFormValue value="Automated Processing of RC Input Letters">
<freeFormDescriptor href=""/>
<freeFormValue value="Automated Processing of RC Input Letters" freeFormDescriptor="ca.mots_application_name"/>
<freeFormValue value="Contain" freeFormDescriptor="ca.mots_leveragability"/>
<freeFormValue value="29">
<freeFormDescriptor href=""/>
<freeFormValue value="1320904800000">
<freeFormDescriptor href=""/>
<freeFormDescriptor xmi:id="ca.mots_status_type_code" name="MOTS Status Type Code"/>
<freeFormDescriptor xmi:id="ca.mots_application_name" name="MOTS Application Name"/>
<freeFormDescriptor xmi:id="ca.mots_leveragability" name="MOTS Leveragability"/>
<classificationSchema href=""/>

Archive =
2012-02-09 08:42:31,726:ERROR:The asset Automated Processing of RC Input Letters was not created.
2012-02-09 08:42:31,726:ERROR:Clearing session in createMOTSApplicationAssets()...Unknown exception while submitting asset: Failed to submit asset - Automated Processing of RC Input Letters - ID#64F3090A-99BB-F5B3-3224-527CD4B02687 Version#1.0 - Error updating state history

2 answers

permanent link
Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Feb 09 '12, 10:53 a.m.
That only shows the client end.

We need to see the real corresponding full stack trace from the host
side. We need to know the JazzClientException to know the problem.


permanent link
Sanjay Karnam (4144) | answered Feb 14 '12, 4:53 p.m.
Thanks Rich! We looked on the server for the stack trace and figured out it was a Oracle database table space issue.

That only shows the client end.

We need to see the real corresponding full stack trace from the host
side. We need to know the JazzClientException to know the problem.


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