Deploying plugins in RTC 3.0 missing dependencies
I have a set of plugins that extend RTC. I deployed them successfully under RTC 2.x. Now I need to port them to RTC
When I restart the server I get this error even though I've added the feature "" in the dependency tab of the feature plugin.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I have a set of plugins that extend RTC. I deployed them successfully under RTC 2.x. Now I need to port them to RTC
When I restart the server I get this error even though I've added the feature "" in the dependency tab of the feature plugin.
CRJAZ0282I The feature "com.test.extension.feature_1.0.0.201201280942" is missing dependency feature "".
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.
3 answers
Thanks for the reply. That explains it. I go it working now thanks for the help.
I still have another issue with a web ui extension plugin. It worked fine in RTc 2.x. In RTC 2.x I included "" as a dependency
but when porting to RTC I get this error even though I have included "javax.servlet" as a dependency.
Any idea or pointer? Thanks in advance
I still have another issue with a web ui extension plugin. It worked fine in RTc 2.x. In RTC 2.x I included "" as a dependency
but when porting to RTC I get this error even though I have included "javax.servlet" as a dependency.
Any idea or pointer? Thanks in advance
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Require-Bundle: javax.servlet; bundle-version="0.0.0"