Team notification on category assignment
Accepted answer
although I strongly believe there are a lot better solutions built into RTC - dashboards and a query for unassigned work items, as well as RSS feeds come into mind - if you still intent to flood your team mate's e-mail folders, there was a similar question here: . You could take the advice and go ahead. There are several options, subscribing the team, or, probably better, just use the mail service to send one mail.
although I strongly believe there are a lot better solutions built into RTC - dashboards and a query for unassigned work items, as well as RSS feeds come into mind - if you still intent to flood your team mate's e-mail folders, there was a similar question here: . You could take the advice and go ahead. There are several options, subscribing the team, or, probably better, just use the mail service to send one mail.
Thanks Ralph, I do try to steer users towards the feed widgets, but in this case they do want that "one mail" to let them know there is something new that needs immediate attention. Thanks for the reference.
Welcome Carson, I have seen this many, many times. So this is not a unique request.
There are probably a dozen or more such custom solutions out there. I should probably do a blog on it. However, I also see all the mail notifications in my inbox and it is just scary 8-)
BTW, a feed reader line RSSOwl might be a good alternative.
Clement Liu
Jul 23 '13, 11:34 a.m.You meant email notification? If yes then there isn't anything you can use out-of-the-box. This definitely needs customization.
Carson Holmes
Jul 23 '13, 11:20 a.m.Yes, I meant email notification. If anyone has done this type of customization, I'd appreciate any references to help me get started. Thanks.