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Error uploading Eclipse project

Chris Beech (2621) | asked Jan 17 '12, 9:20 p.m.
Hi there,

I'm new to Jazz and RTC and am trying to add some Eclipse projects to source control. I am having problems with two of the projects as when I commence the upload I get the following error...

Error during upload
Failed to upload File /CuramSDEJ/doc/api/curam/util/workflow/struct/WDOAttributeSnapshot.html
Error getting contents for /CuramSDEJ/doc/api/curam/util/workflow/struct/WDOAttributeSnapshot.html : Resource '/CuramSDEJ/doc/api/curam/util/workflow/struct/WDOAttributeSnapshot.html' does not exist.

...however the resource does exist on the disk!

What's confusing about this is i) two of my projects imported fine ii) my application builds and runs fine so I know Eclipse can see the files.

I'm really confused by this - anyone have any ideas?



Accepted answer

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Chris Beech (2621) | answered Jan 18 '12, 1:55 p.m.
Ok, so I figured it out - the resources were being filtered.

Inside the .project file for each project there were filters which were preventing RTC from seeing what they needed to import.

Once I removed the filters everything was imported fine!


Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

5 other answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jan 18 '12, 4:41 a.m.
Odd. Have you tried to refresh the project?

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Chris Beech (2621) | answered Jan 18 '12, 9:45 a.m.
Yeah, I've tried refreshing and even restarted Eclipse but it's the same every time.

I've tried deleting the component and recreating but I get the same problems each time.

I don't see anything strange with the files it's trying to import either. They're not read only or secured by permissions or even of an odd format - it's all sorts of files from html, jss to jars that it says it can't read.



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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jan 23 '12, 2:27 a.m.
Hi Chris, thanks for sharing!

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Nate Decker (37814761) | answered Aug 20 '15, 1:50 p.m.

For anyone else searching on and finding this post, I had a similar problem (same error message) but due to a different cause.

I had evidently loaded two separate components to the same root directory. Eclipse was detecting that there were new files available, but for some reason when it came time to check in those files, it wasn't finding them. It was like detection was using one component, but check-in was using another. It wasn't clear what was happening. I unloaded the component and reloaded it in a separate folder and that seemed to clear up the confusion.

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Ashok Sonawane (9913) | answered Nov 27 '15, 1:31 a.m.
 Similar case happened in my side also....

error was the same....

May be it is because project is out of sync, but it does not indicating.
But then i reloaded my project once again, get back project in sync and it got resolved, am enable to check in then.

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