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Cursor is dividing the letter into two

Sezgi Seret (144) | asked Dec 22 '11, 6:52 a.m.

I uploaded a screenshot. As you can see in the screenshot there is a problem with the cursor. The cursor is dividing the letter "a" into two.

Client: Firefox 3.6
Release: RRC 3.0.1
OS: Windows

Is there a possible reason for the problem?

Thanks for the replies.


One answer

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Stef van Dijk (2.0k179) | answered Dec 22 '11, 7:15 p.m.
Hi Sezgi,

This would likely be an issue with the CKEditor used by RRC to support text editing. It's possible it's simply miscalculating the cursor position due to the font or locale being used.
Please open a bug report if you would like development to investigate this and pursue a possible fix.

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