Calling Build Forge Project when WorkFlow state is changed

Hi All,
i'm try to find a solution for my problem: we have RTC 3.0.1 and we have to manage some Ticket Request ( like Trouble Ticketing System ) created by users. After the Workflow state of the ticket will change to Assigned, we need to launch a Build Forge project for some backend operations. I need to know how to launch a Build Forge project clicking a button on RTC WEB UI passing all parameters ( now are 3 ): i've to develop a plugin or configure something else ?
i'm try to find a solution for my problem: we have RTC 3.0.1 and we have to manage some Ticket Request ( like Trouble Ticketing System ) created by users. After the Workflow state of the ticket will change to Assigned, we need to launch a Build Forge project for some backend operations. I need to know how to launch a Build Forge project clicking a button on RTC WEB UI passing all parameters ( now are 3 ): i've to develop a plugin or configure something else ?