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Two sync streams, each for a different PVOB?

Gary Dang (59338955) | asked Jul 15 '08, 5:37 p.m.
Is it OK to create two distinct RTC sync streams - each synchnizes with a UCM stream of a distinct PVOB? It seems possible, but never try. Could someone please confirm it is do-able? Thanks.

2 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 16 '08, 8:00 a.m.
Yes, that is a supported scenario. If you have any problems doing so,
please post to the newsgroup or file a workitem.


gdang wrote:
Is it OK to create two distinct RTC sync streams - each synchnizes
with a UCM stream of a distinct PVOB? It seems possible, but never
try. Could someone please confirm it is do-able? Thanks.

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Gary Dang (59338955) | answered Jul 16 '08, 12:27 p.m.
Thank you, Geoff, for the confirmation. I will try it later. This will help the business analysts a lot to have a single entry point to view some files from different projects that are currently using different project VOBs.

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