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RTC - Viewing Projects in the Server

Sathish Balakrishnan (345) | asked Nov 15 '11, 2:27 a.m.
When I open a RTC training server I am able to see only the "MyProjects" option but in other servers I am able to see all projects.
Why is this happening ? Is there any way to see all projects in the training server ?

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Nov 15 '11, 3:22 a.m.
When I open a RTC training server I am able to see only the "MyProjects" option but in other servers I am able to see all projects.
Why is this happening ? Is there any way to see all projects in the training server ?


Are you using a browser, or an IDE to connect to the server, and what version of RTC are you using.

Projects can be hidden - so there is a chance you are not a member of the other projects, and they have chosen to hide those projects from everyone but the team members.


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