Failing to do a repotools import

I'm trying to do repotools import but its failing at the end throwing error
"CRJAZ1150I ** ERROR ** Process area handle must be either a ITeamAreaHandle or IProjectAreaHandle, but was: null
org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: Process area handle must be either a ITeamAreaHandle or IProjectAreaHandle, but was: null"
When the server instance is brought up and trying to browse through there are random errors popping up on the portal. The repotools export log file does not have any errors.
"CRJAZ1150I ** ERROR ** Process area handle must be either a ITeamAreaHandle or IProjectAreaHandle, but was: null
org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: Process area handle must be either a ITeamAreaHandle or IProjectAreaHandle, but was: null"
When the server instance is brought up and trying to browse through there are random errors popping up on the portal. The repotools export log file does not have any errors.