Quering User by userId using REST API
I was looking for a way to retrieve an user through REST API using his userId.
If I search a user with his name it works correctly with this command:
and it also runs if I'm searching for the e-mail address:
But if I try using rtc_cm:userId
I get a 400 error which says that userId is an unknown attribute ID.
How can I run this query?
I was looking for a way to retrieve an user through REST API using his userId.
If I search a user with his name it works correctly with this command:
curl -k -L -b cookies.txt "http://myurl/ccm/oslc/users.json?oslc_cm.query=dc:title=%22TechUser%22%20&oslc_cm.properties=dc:title,rdf:resource,rtc_cm:userId"
and it also runs if I'm searching for the e-mail address:
curl -k -L -b cookies.txt "http://myurl/ccm/oslc/users.json?oslc_cm.query=rtc_cm:emailAddress=%22TechUser@email.me%22%20&oslc_cm.properties=dc:title,rdf:resource,rtc_cm:userId"
But if I try using rtc_cm:userId
curl -k -L -b cookies.txt "http://myurl/ccm/oslc/users.json?oslc_cm.query=rtc_cm:userId=%22TechUser%22%20&oslc_cm.properties=dc:title,rdf:resource,rtc_cm:userId"
I get a 400 error which says that userId is an unknown attribute ID.
How can I run this query?
One answer
If I cannot use a query to find the user I have to retrieve all the users. And with a lot of user I've find out that my result is truncated: not all the users are extracted and no error or warning has been returned to inform of this truncation.
If it is not possible to do a query by userId is it possible to extend the max result number?