How is the sequencing of Workitem ID managed?
2 answers
there is only one counter, so all requests for workitems, system wide, will increment the number.
and as I understand it when a workitem is starting to be created is when the counter is incremented, not when it is saved
and as I understand it when a workitem is starting to be created is when the counter is incremented, not when it is saved
By "system wide" Sam means within a single RTC repository.
Is it possible that the ID gets generated randomly and not sequentially?
Because, I added 2 items and the sequencing was off. 406 (SCR work item type) and 427 (SIR work item type. I doubt there were 11 items created in the middle of the night...
Please let me know.
always been sequential. but lots of things consume numbers.
"lot of things" like?