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Consuming REST service from Java Team Server

S M (8622023) | asked Oct 07 '11, 10:57 a.m.

I installed the Jazz Team Server 3.0.1 on my local machine. Now I want to use the REST Api to retrieve some projects and their work items.

I tried this by using the URI


From what I've read from the documentation I should see a
element for each ProjectArea. Even so this HTTP Request returns Status 200, and in the body their is a farly long XML file, I can't see any
objects. What am I dooing wrong?

2 answers

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Jared Russell (1.3k12019) | answered Oct 07 '11, 11:38 a.m.
The Jazz Team Server doesn't contain any of the project areas or work items, try /ccm/rootservices instead.


I installed the Jazz Team Server 3.0.1 on my local machine. Now I want to use the REST Api to retrieve some projects and their work items.

I tried this by using the URI


From what I've read from the documentation I should see a
element for each ProjectArea. Even so this HTTP Request returns Status 200, and in the body their is a farly long XML file, I can't see any
objects. What am I dooing wrong?

permanent link
S M (8622023) | answered Oct 07 '11, 12:17 p.m.
Thanks. Now it finally works. Can you also recommend me a good way to convert this response into XML or JSON?

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