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Quick search results in "No Work Item Found"

Rice Well (30622723) | asked Sep 27 '11, 10:15 a.m.

Recently, quick search has been resulting in "No Work Item Found".
Then, I have run following command without any error.

repotools-jazz -rebuildTextIndices
repotools-jazz -reindex

But quick search is still resulting in "No Work Item Found".

Is there any known problem?

2 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Sep 27 '11, 1:50 p.m.

Recently, quick search has been resulting in "No Work Item Found".
Then, I have run following command without any error.

repotools-jazz -rebuildTextIndices
repotools-jazz -reindex

But quick search is still resulting in "No Work Item Found".

Is there any known problem?


Can you tell us what version of RTC you are using, and how are you getting to Quick Search (IDE or web browser)?

Bear in mind that a quick search uses a limited number of fields - for example for work items it only searches for strings in the id, summary, and owner name fields



permanent link
Rice Well (30622723) | answered Sep 28 '11, 10:06 a.m.

Recently, quick search has been resulting in "No Work Item Found".
Then, I have run following command without any error.

repotools-jazz -rebuildTextIndices
repotools-jazz -reindex

But quick search is still resulting in "No Work Item Found".

Is there any known problem?


Can you tell us what version of RTC you are using, and how are you getting to Quick Search (IDE or web browser)?

Bear in mind that a quick search uses a limited number of fields - for example for work items it only searches for strings in the id, summary, and owner name fields



Sorry for the lack of information.
The version is 3.0.1.

There are some work items whose summary contains test, project, etc.
I'm trying Quick Search with the word test or project but the result is "No Work Item Found".

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