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programmatic process sharing

Luis Quintela (461812) | asked Sep 15 '11, 9:26 p.m.

I'm creating a project area programmatically using the "" template. I'd like then to link the newly created project area to a master project area that is sharing its process.

Has anyone done that successfully? Can anyone provide source code sample on how to implement process sharing?


3 answers

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Sep 16 '11, 4:04 p.m.
Hello Luis,

We have not exposed API to allow this. Currently, the feature depends on internal implementation details that we do not recommend using.

Can you please open an Enhancement Request for API to allow a project area to consume process. File it against the Process team in the Jazz Foundation project. We can continue the discussion there.


Jazz Developer, Process Team

I'm creating a project area programmatically using the "" template. I'd like then to link the newly created project area to a master project area that is sharing its process.

Has anyone done that successfully? Can anyone provide source code sample on how to implement process sharing?


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Michael Stricklen (3947) | answered Apr 23 '12, 11:41 a.m.
Hello Luis,

We have not exposed API to allow this. Currently, the feature depends on internal implementation details that we do not recommend using.

Can you please open an Enhancement Request for API to allow a project area to consume process. File it against the Process team in the Jazz Foundation project. We can continue the discussion there.


Jazz Developer, Process Team

I'm creating a project area programmatically using the "" template. I'd like then to link the newly created project area to a master project area that is sharing its process.

Has anyone done that successfully? Can anyone provide source code sample on how to implement process sharing?


I didn't see a work item opened by Luis for this question. I'll open a work item since my team has need of this functionality as well.

Enhancement 208319 is opened to further this discussion. My usage scenario is slightly different than the OP, but I believe delivery of the features necessary would satisfy both of us.

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Vaibhav S (106354) | answered Mar 23 '17, 4:32 a.m.

Hi, has this issue been solved. Do we have any API now for the same .

Please let me know.


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