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how to add a file into RTC (EWM) Stream/workspace using SCM ?

I am still developing a tool in python that spimplify RTC usage.
In this context, I am searching a better solution for the use case where the user want to add a file to the project (existing or new file).
Is there a more elegant solution to this use case ?
(I can only use python)
One answer

There is no Python API for EWM.
For EWM SCM operations you can either use the SCM command line or the JAVA APIs.
Just because the EWM Client or the SCM command line does things in certain ways, does not mean the Java API would be limited to this.

In addition, I don't see the link between your "ewm-scm-utils" and my use case.
I just want the user to be able to add file easily and push it as a change into the workspace / stream, using SCM command line. Since it seems that you cant just add a new file to the sandbox (because it is not detected by "scm show status"), I mentionned my non elegant solution, searching for a better one.

There is code in ewm-scm-utils that would allow to upload the files to other locations than supported by the scm command line. If you can run SCM command line from Python, you can also run Plain Java Client Libraries based Java code.
Anyway, I will no longer continue to bother you with my thoughts.

Sorry I think EWM makes me bitter, more than 2 months working on it I feel like I don't understand anything sometimes.
Thanks for your answers anyway.