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Attribute popup menus empty on web UI

Peter Kidwell (2399) | asked Sep 15 '11, 4:21 p.m.
After upgrading from RTC 2.0 to RTC 3.0, we are facing a problem in using the Web UI to create or edit work items. We have a very customized work item type (lots of custom attributes, custom presentation, complex workflow). Many of the custom attributes are enumerations. What we are seeing is that popup menus for the enumerations are coming up empty now; they used to work in RTC 2, and they still do work in the Eclipse client.

This also applies to popup menus for people (i.e. team/project area members). The problem appears for both custom attributes and RTC "built-in" ones (e.g. Filed Against, Release, etc.)

I'm not a server admin, so I don't have access to any server logs that might help. On the client side, I do see this (out of WebKit error console):


*** ERROR creating '': 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating '_b.unshift(_8)')
*** ERROR creating '': 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'this._possibleValues.unshift(_2a)')
*** ERROR creating '': 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'this._possibleValues.unshift(_2a)')
*** ERROR creating '': 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'this._possibleValues.unshift(_2a)')

Any advice?

Pete K.

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