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URGENT: installation of build toolkit on iSeries

Luca Martinucci (1.0k397112) | asked Sep 15 '11, 3:55 a.m.
retagged Jun 24 '12, 3:54 a.m. by Arne Bister (2.6k12832)
I need URGENTLY some pieces of information about the installation of the build tookit on iSeries.

- does this installation (of the build toolkit) introduces any new objects (libraries, profiles, etc....)? If yes, which ones?
- in addition to the jfs directory, are there any new objects generated on the partitions?
- will there be any pdf files to manage?

Thanks in advance.

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Alex Moore (812) | answered Sep 15 '11, 9:50 a.m.
I need URGENTLY some pieces of information about the installation of the build tookit on iSeries.

- does this installation (of the build toolkit) introduces any new objects (libraries, profiles, etc....)? If yes, which ones?
- in addition to the jfs directory, are there any new objects generated on the partitions?
- will there be any pdf files to manage?

Thanks in advance.

When the build system toolkit is installed via licpgm (KJTS301) the following directory is created /QIBM/ProdData/RTC301/Build/Jazz.
No, new libraries, profiles, etc.. are generated during the installation. If the user run a IBM i Build Specification build some files are loaded to IFS, but you the user choose the directory in the build definition panel. By default the location is /tmp/Build Definition.

There are no PTF's file to manage.
Luca Martinucci selected this answer as the correct answer

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