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Offshore - I can copy loaded local workspace?

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Aug 24 '11, 4:04 p.m.
retagged Dec 10 '13, 11:04 a.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
When the developers build their workspace for the first time, it will be a large timely download from here to India. Is it possible to download a generic workspace, FTP that to them, and have them take ownership of it per developer. For example, if I took Johns workspace onto my workstation, could I change it to be Jason owned and not affect Johns?

Basically we want to avoid everyone does the "load" for the first time. Is it possible to download once, copy it to everyone. Then during the actual "load" step in RTC, RTC will recognize that files are already loaded?


11 answers

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Makson Lee (41044241) | answered Aug 25 '11, 1:13 a.m.
in your case, maybe a content caching proxy would be a better solution,

When the developers build their workspace for the first time, it will be a large timely download from here to India. Is it possible to download a generic workspace, FTP that to them, and have them take ownership of it per developer. For example, if I took Johns workspace onto my workstation, could I change it to be Jason owned and not affect Johns?

Basically we want to avoid everyone does the "load" for the first time. Is it possible to download once, copy it to everyone. Then during the actual "load" step in RTC, RTC will recognize that files are already loaded?


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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Aug 25 '11, 2:36 p.m.
in your case, maybe a content caching proxy would be a better solution,

The problem I am having is described in this post. Recently I was told they could establish a pipe between India/Toronto/out site and also let India use VPN. Now sure if content proxy can be used directly.


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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Aug 31 '11, 2:40 p.m.
When the developers build their workspace for the first time, it will be a large timely download from here to India. Is it possible to download a generic workspace, FTP that to them, and have them take ownership of it per developer. For example, if I took Johns workspace onto my workstation, could I change it to be Jason owned and not affect Johns?

Basically we want to avoid everyone does the "load" for the first time. Is it possible to download once, copy it to everyone. Then during the actual "load" step in RTC, RTC will recognize that files are already loaded?


Does anyone know if there would be any issues if I impersonated a user here in Toronto, then zipped up the folder, and FTPd it to an offshore workstation, and then the real developer started everything up, RTC client would just think it is the same person?

Or how to make it work? How can I make RTC think the repository workspace is loaded?

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Aug 31 '11, 4:30 p.m.
Does anyone know if there would be any issues if I impersonated a user here in Toronto, then zipped up the folder, and FTPd it to an offshore workstation, and then the real developer started everything up, RTC client would just think it is the same person?

Or how to make it work? How can I make RTC think the repository workspace is loaded?
What you propose would work. The Eclipse workspace would contain the .jazz5 directory that contains all the metadata for items shared with RTC and the Eclipse preferences would have the metadata on which repository workspace is loaded.

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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Sep 01 '11, 11:12 a.m.
What you propose would work. The Eclipse workspace would contain the .jazz5 directory that contains all the metadata for items shared with RTC and the Eclipse preferences would have the metadata on which repository workspace is loaded.

This is what I did:

1. Load the "Temporary Build Workspace" to C:\Workspace\Sandbox.
2. Make a copy of C:\Workspace\Sandbox to produce C:\Workspace\SandboxCopy.
3. Start another RTC client on the same machine, I can see "Temporary Build Workspace" is loaded.
4. Try to load another workspace called "JUnit Exploration Build Workspace" to C:\Workspace\SandboxCopy, they should have same content.
5. It won't load, give me the follow messages, I can't continue.

So the question now is how can I make RTC client believe "JUnit Exploration Build Workspace" is already loaded into C:\Workspace\SandboxCopy?

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Sep 01 '11, 11:31 a.m.
You're experiencing a different issue. The "JUnit Exploration Build Workspace" has content with the same names as "Temporary Build Workspace". Either overwrite or load the content to another place on disk.

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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Sep 01 '11, 11:46 a.m.
You're experiencing a different issue. The "JUnit Exploration Build Workspace" has content with the same names as "Temporary Build Workspace". Either overwrite or load the content to another place on disk.

I thought that's our purpose? To re-state, the purpose to eliminate the initial load of an offshore developer's workspace.

So I want to load a copy here, ftp it to offshore, then each developer there will copy it to their local folder, and find a way to tell their RTC client that their workspace is already loaded to the above local folder.


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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Sep 01 '11, 1:24 p.m.
I thought that's our purpose? To re-state, the purpose to eliminate the initial load of an offshore developer's workspace.

So I want to load a copy here, ftp it to offshore, then each developer there will copy it to their local folder, and find a way to tell their RTC client that their workspace is already loaded to the above local folder.

The RTC metadata for the loaded content points to "Temporary Build Workspace". If you're loading another workspace on top of that, you're being asked if you want to overwrite with the content of the other workspace. It is not known whether the content from the other workspace is the same.

If the user owns "Temporary Build Workspace", everything will be ok. Or the workspace could be loaded with the content of "JUnit Exploration Build Workspace". Or ownership can of "Temporary Build Workspace" can be passed to the user.

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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Sep 01 '11, 2:51 p.m.
The RTC metadata for the loaded content points to "Temporary Build Workspace". If you're loading another workspace on top of that, you're being asked if you want to overwrite with the content of the other workspace. It is not known whether the content from the other workspace is the same.

If the user owns "Temporary Build Workspace", everything will be ok. Or the workspace could be loaded with the content of "JUnit Exploration Build Workspace". Or ownership can of "Temporary Build Workspace" can be passed to the user.

I am not sure if we are still in the same page. So I did the following test:
1. I have two workspaces A (represent local user) & B (represent offshore user) pointing to the same stream, they should have the same content, just like two developers workspaces.
2. I loaded workspace A to C:\Sandbox, a size of 1G.
3. I made a copy of C:\Sandbox to create a C:\Sandbox_Copy. I want to make RTC think this is sandbox of workspace B, because I don't want to actual doing the load for B, in the fear that it will be too slow for offshore users.
4. I did a load of workspace B, pointing to C:\Sandbox_Copy. .... it was slow initially, I think in getting file list from the repository, then it was fast in loading, much faster than loading A. Maybe take only 1/100 time.
5. I then opened the file in .jazz5\.descriptor.dat, the workspace name is changed.

So now is there a way for me to confirm if files is actually loaded in step4. Did RTC actually downloaded files again or just verified them. Is there a log file in RTC showing the downloaded file?

Below is the same file in two workspace:

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Sep 01 '11, 4:44 p.m.
I believe an overwrite only occurs if the content differs. So if the offshore user made changes to workspace B, there will be new content downloaded. There will still be comparisons to check if the content is the same or not.

If you use one workspace, it would be even faster as the metadata doesn't have to be updated. So I don't see a reason why you would use 2 workspaces.

If you want to double check if files were downloaded, use a bandwidth monitor to see if a lot of data was transferred during the load.

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