How should I lay out the components, streams, and flow targets in a project area?

Hi ,
we are planning RTC source code managment for more then 100 Devlopers in banking sector.
We have 6 Projects ie: Branch Funds,Cash Mangments...
Each Project is having 14 Functional Areas:
Branch Funds: 1) Fixed Deptosit 2) New Account Opening....... 14).. Common
I am planning for 6 Projects each project will be having each RTC Project Areas
and each project will have 14 Functional Areas..
Two Components : Codeing, Documentation
Each Functional Areas: will be having Each Stream like 1) New Account Opening 2) Fixed Deposit..
how do I plan the Components and component structure
How do I plan the structure of Streams and flowtarget..
All the Functional Areas needs to share common files across the project..
And Sharing the same common files across Project Areas to integration level..
It would be great if you could help in understanding and implmentng the RTC source Code managament.
we are planning RTC source code managment for more then 100 Devlopers in banking sector.
We have 6 Projects ie: Branch Funds,Cash Mangments...
Each Project is having 14 Functional Areas:
Branch Funds: 1) Fixed Deptosit 2) New Account Opening....... 14).. Common
I am planning for 6 Projects each project will be having each RTC Project Areas
and each project will have 14 Functional Areas..
Two Components : Codeing, Documentation
Each Functional Areas: will be having Each Stream like 1) New Account Opening 2) Fixed Deposit..
how do I plan the Components and component structure
How do I plan the structure of Streams and flowtarget..
All the Functional Areas needs to share common files across the project..
And Sharing the same common files across Project Areas to integration level..
It would be great if you could help in understanding and implmentng the RTC source Code managament.
One answer

I would suggest starting with one project area, and create a team area for each project.
If there is a team assigned to each functional area, then I'd create a team area for each functional area.
If there is a single source code tree for each functional area, then I'd probably also create an RTC component for each functional area (rather than putting all code into a single "code" component).
When you say "Each Functional Area will be have Each Stream like 1) New Account Opening 2) Fixed Deposit", the "New Account Opening" and "Fixed Deposit" would be mapped to a user story.
Then for what RTC streams to use, that depends on which teams are working in parallel, and which streams are working together. You would create an RTC stream for each parallel line of development.
If there is a team assigned to each functional area, then I'd create a team area for each functional area.
If there is a single source code tree for each functional area, then I'd probably also create an RTC component for each functional area (rather than putting all code into a single "code" component).
When you say "Each Functional Area will be have Each Stream like 1) New Account Opening 2) Fixed Deposit", the "New Account Opening" and "Fixed Deposit" would be mapped to a user story.
Then for what RTC streams to use, that depends on which teams are working in parallel, and which streams are working together. You would create an RTC stream for each parallel line of development.