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Requirement Workflow Bindings

Rajah Vedamurthy (1111128) | asked Aug 17 '11, 1:48 p.m.
I am trying to associate Requirement workflow to Requirement workitem but in the Workflow State column in presentation, I am getting "authoring.s1" as the value

Steps followed:
Under Process Configuration > workflow bindings > Selected Requirement Type Category and under workflow selected Requirement workflow

What am I missing here? why it is not showing the requirement workflow?


2 answers

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Frank Ning (50025119133) | answered Sep 18 '12, 4:04 p.m.
Is this for RRC? If so, do you really see the workflow binding for requirement project area? As far as I know we can not create requirement workflow with RRC yet.

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wolfgang steindl (2061011) | answered Sep 18 '12, 4:52 p.m.
Before I try to answer your question I do some assumptions. As Frank already pointed out this question is not reqarding RRC it's about RTC.

In RTC you created a WI-type called Requirement. Correct? This type has associated a workflow. Next you want to apply this WI-type to an existing WI. As you are changing the type (and therefore the workflow) the old state is typically not known in the new workflow. Therefore the state of the WI is set to the first step of the workflow of the WI type.

Edit the WI and open the combobox with the states. There the new states should be available.

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