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Sharepoint and SourceSafe Integration

Alan Kan (6111310) | asked Jun 23 '08, 7:27 p.m.
Is there any plans/timelines on RTC integration with Sharepoint and SourceSafe?

2 answers

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Philippe Cohen (16) | answered Aug 19 '08, 8:08 a.m.
We at Mainsoft ( are working on SharePoint integrator for RTC. We announced it in the last Rational Developer Conference in Orlando.

It will be an add-on on top of RTC that will surface SharePoint documents as an additional team artifact in RTC, integrated within the IDE. It will also enable RTC developers to integrate SharePoint document approvals and document workflows within the Jazz process. In short, work items that will have a related documents will pre-condition that the document is approved before the work-item will be mark as resolved/fixed.

We produced few month ago a short video demo that convey the product concept.

If you're interested to be posted on this RTC add-on, contact our sales mailto://

Best regards, Philippe Cohen.

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Fran Garland-Guay (1) | answered Jun 14 '13, 7:48 a.m.
 What happened to these plans?  I  heard this software is no longer available. 

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