Checkins not triggering email notification
It make sense that people should get an email any time code is checked in against a work item. At the very least, the additional change sets link on the Links page should cause an email to generate for folks with "link added or removed" checked. Unfortunately, nothing we check for anyone seems to make checkins trigger an email. Is this not possible, was it added in a later version, or is there some way to make this work in ifix5?
2 answers
It make sense that people should get an email any time code is checked in against a work item. At the very least, the additional change sets link on the Links page should cause an email to generate for folks with "link added or removed" checked. Unfortunately, nothing we check for anyone seems to make checkins trigger an email. Is this not possible, was it added in a later version, or is there some way to make this work in ifix5?To clarify, a check-in means to check-in an unresolved change to a change set. It sounds like you want an email notification when a change set is associated with a work item. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a notification trigger for this use case. I don't think it was originally a requirement because the association doesn't imply the change set was delivered and didn't seem to be necessary. There are email notifications when work items are closed, which probably means some change sets were associated with it.