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Experiments with InfoSphere Data Architect and RTC

Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | asked Jul 19 '11, 4:56 p.m.

I have been looking at the InfoSphere Data Architect tool v7.5.3 and RTC again. IDA is a database tool that does logical and physical data modelling and a lot of other things beside. I have installed RTC v2.0.0.2 ifix6 (as IDA is based on Eclipse 3.4.2).

I installed RTC *into* IDA using the Installation Manager - it gave some warnings at the end of the install but this does not seem to have caused any problems (so far).

I created a normal RTC project, and then started adding IDA projects to RTC using the normal Team->Share Project - and could deliver changes as per normal. I also accepted changes into another IDA instance. The Change Explorer is nice - showing diagram changes as well as text changes. There is no choice in how you merge - more a merge of the incoming changes into your model.

Not tried planning or any other features yet - but looks good so far.

If anyone else has used IDA and RTC - and have any experiences to share (bad and good) - it would be useful to hear them here.



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Tristan Hoffmann (212) | answered Jan 09 '14, 5:08 a.m.
To me it seems while Data Architect seems to be officially supported, it is almost not documented at all so probably nobody uses it.
For example most articles / tutorials recommend the shell-share installation which apparently does not work at all with the latest version of Data Architect, I even tried with help from support and on both Linux and Windows.
I finally got it to work using the p2 method, but still can not share a project with the Jazz Server (see my question here).

If anyone knows a good (and recent) tutorial or uses IDA+RTC and knows how to do this I'd be glad to hear from you.

Anthony Kesterton commented Jan 09 '14, 5:28 a.m. | edited Jan 09 '14, 5:38 a.m.

Hi Tristan

Since my original post - things have improved a lot.  However, I completely agree we need the integration better documented and some examples.  I am aware of a few customers using this integration - on older versions of IDA.  Bear in mind I don't work with a large number of users, so my "view" is limited.  I put in a suggestion on your question as a starter - will carry on the conversation there.

Also - the IDA users will probably be using the developerWorks forums and not  I started a new thread on that forum here


Tristan Hoffmann commented Jan 09 '14, 5:41 a.m.

Hi Anthony,

I did check developerWorks before and found this great article. However, both the installation and usage seem to work differently now, so maybe just updating this article would be a very good idea.
Thanks for your help :)

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