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RTC Connector

David Beange (111364101) | asked Jul 13 '11, 7:51 a.m.
We are running an import from Clearcase (ver 7.1) to RTC (ver

Everything seems to go great for 5 hours (big VOB to import) but for the last 14 hours the latest activity in the list is:

CTProvider.doReadContent: 1660908 05:26:20 14 h 14 m 34 s

Can anyone tell me what might be happening? Is this a final commit type activity or what?

There is constant CPU activity when checking the Task Manager, Disk space still has 11gb spare and this has remained unchanged for last 5 hours i have been checking it.

At the start of the process there was another CTProvider named activity :

CTProvider.doReadMemberList: 1681858 00:29:18 17 s

but as you see it only took 17 seconds.

Have looked through the Clearcase logs and there are no obvious errors jumping off the screen at me.

Any clues?


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 13 '11, 9:25 a.m.
A few comments:
- Probably best to post questions about the CC Synchronizer in the RTC
users (jazz.users) forum.
- In RTC-, you'll want to break up your large imports into a
sequence of medium size imports. See the "Initial Import" section of
- Note that in RTC-3.0.1, the CC Synchronizer automatically breaks a
large import up into a set of smaller chunks, so you no longer have to
do this manually.
- The "activity" labels (as you guessed) are only loosely coupled with
what is actually going on. If it's been sitting in the same state for
14 hours, then it very likely is blocked on something. One of the
things that can hang the importer is an interactive trigger waiting for
user input that never comes. But you did indicate that you are seeing
CPU activity, which would seem to indicate some problem other than a
blocked trigger.
- Probably best to open up a ticket with Rational support, or submit a
work item for the CC Synchronizer team, so they can help you get this


On 7/13/2011 7:53 AM, davidbeange wrote:
We are running an import from Clearcase (ver 7.1) to RTC (ver

Everything seems to go great for 5 hours (big VOB to import) but for
the last 14 hours the latest activity in the list is:

CTProvider.doReadContent: 1660908 05:26:20 14 h 14 m 34 s

Can anyone tell me what might be happening? Is this a final commit
type activity or what?

There is constant CPU activity when checking the Task Manager, Disk
space still has 11gb spare and this has remained unchanged for last 5
hours i have been checking it.

At the start of the process there was another CTProvider named
activity :

CTProvider.doReadMemberList: 1681858 00:29:18 17 s

but as you see it only took 17 seconds.

Have looked through the Clearcase logs and there are no obvious errors
jumping off the screen at me.

Any clues?


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