Extending the data warehouse

I've been using the guidance in this wiki page https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DataWarehouseExtending to create my own snapshot.
In the "https://jazz-server:9443/ccm/admin#action=jazz.viewPage&id=com.ibm.team.reports.reportsManagementPage" page, I can see my new snapshot in the page.
But when I click on "Update Snapshot Data",I get the exception below.
Error: Unable to load /ccm/web/dojo/../../service/com.ibm.team.reports.common.internal.service.IReportRestService/updateSnapshotData status:400
I've been using the guidance in this wiki page https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DataWarehouseExtending to create my own snapshot.
In the "https://jazz-server:9443/ccm/admin#action=jazz.viewPage&id=com.ibm.team.reports.reportsManagementPage" page, I can see my new snapshot in the page.
But when I click on "Update Snapshot Data",I get the exception below.
Error: Unable to load /ccm/web/dojo/../../service/com.ibm.team.reports.common.internal.service.IReportRestService/updateSnapshotData status:400