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Is there a size limit when importing a MS Project XML file?

Sudheer Rugbeer (11521832) | asked Jun 08 '11, 2:49 p.m.
We are attempting to import a MS Project File into RTC 3.0. The size of the MS Project File is around 9MB, and after exporting it into XML the resulting file is ~400MB.
We then tried to import this file into RTC, but the import has been on the "Validating" screen for more than 10 hours now.

I just wanted to check if there is a size limit for imports? If not, then is there any way to speed up the import process? Can we, for example, split either the MS Project file or the XML file?


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jun 15 '11, 9:52 a.m.
We are attempting to import a MS Project File into RTC 3.0. The size of the MS Project File is around 9MB, and after exporting it into XML the resulting file is ~400MB.
We then tried to import this file into RTC, but the import has been on the "Validating" screen for more than 10 hours now.

I just wanted to check if there is a size limit for imports? If not, then is there any way to speed up the import process? Can we, for example, split either the MS Project file or the XML file?


Hi, please post such questions on Using Team Concert.

I am not ware of a size limit and I am not aware of ways to speed it up. You could probably try to split the files to import. Please make sure not to have work item overlap, the import does not yet reconcile and you would end up with duplicates.

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Jun 17 '11, 11:49 a.m.
It should be able to handle a 9M file, and shouldn't take that long.
I suggest opening a work item:

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