Where is the client SDK?
First, many thanks for the Tech Note on writing "a trivial Jazz component". It'll be great to learn how to extend Jazz!
However, I'm having trouble finding the "Client SDK" to which that article refers, and which I apparently need before I can get started. The "workspace setup" document at
refers to the Client SDK, which it says can be downloaded from:
... however, at the time I write this, I do not see any reference to a "Client SDK" on that downloads page. Is it the same as (or a subset of) the Client Source Code package? Or am I just missing something very obvious?
Thanks for your help!
However, I'm having trouble finding the "Client SDK" to which that article refers, and which I apparently need before I can get started. The "workspace setup" document at
refers to the Client SDK, which it says can be downloaded from:
... however, at the time I write this, I do not see any reference to a "Client SDK" on that downloads page. Is it the same as (or a subset of) the Client Source Code package? Or am I just missing something very obvious?
Thanks for your help!
4 answers
The layout and naming of the download files has changed since the
"Workspace Setup" document was written.
I've been playing around with some setup steps for Jazz component
development that are a little different than the "Workspace Setup" doc
describes, but work for me. If any of you interested in Jazz component
development want to try these steps, I'd appreciate any feedback you have.
1) Get these 4 zips from the downloads page:
and unzip them all in the same place so you have a "jazz" folder that
contains 5 sub-folders: buildsystem, client, repotools, server, source.
1a) Workaround bug 25895. Somehow an older version of derby.jar got
into one of the release plug-ins. This is easy to fix manually.
find the the derby.jar here:
and rename it to derby.jar.old
now find the derby.jar here:
and copy it to the first location
The "good" derby has size of 2,253,277 bytes and you are replacing an
older version that is slightly smaller (2,131,777 bytes).
2) Start the client in .../jazz/client/eclipse/TeamConcert.exe
3) This is the "magic step". :-) We're going to use a launch
configuration to launch the Jazz server inside a Jetty web server.
Crafting the launch configuration is tricky so I'm going to attach one
here that should work. Create a simple Eclipse project called
"Launches" and copy this JazzServer.launch file into it. Then do Run >
Open Run Dialog... and choose "JazzServer" under the "OSGi Framework"
Now you should have a running Jazz server. Point a web browser to
http://localhost:9080/jazz and you should see a page with the list of
available services.
4) You can now import the "Hello Jazz" plugins into your workspace.
You will sort of get stuck here. I had compilation problems with the
tests plugin (com.example.hellojazz.client.tests) because it references
a plugin that did not make it into the release (filed bug 25959 for this).
I worked around this by creating a simple UI plugin that has an action
with the code in the testSayHello() method and opens a MessageBox with
the message from the server. I'll work on getting this UI plugin into
the HelloJazz download.
5) assuming you crafted some kind of simple UI plugin you can see the
Jazz client talking to the Jazz server like this:
a) stop your Jazz server if it was still running
b) in the Run dialog, select your JazzServer launch and under the
Bundles tab, under Workspace, select the com.example.hellojazz.common
and com.example.hellojazz.service bundles (but do not select the
"client" one).
c) apply that change and run the Jazz Server again. Now if you refresh
your web browser on http://localhost:9080/jazz you should see
com.example.hellojazz.common.service.IHelloJazzService in the list of
services (probably the first one).
d) in the Run dialog create a new Eclipse Application and run it (all
the default options should be ok).
e) in the Team Artifacts view create a repository connection and point
it to http://localhost:9080/jazz. Now you are talking to your server
and if you have an action that gets the IHelloJazzClientLibrary and runs
the sayHello() method, you can test that action manually.
kratky wrote:
"Workspace Setup" document was written.
I've been playing around with some setup steps for Jazz component
development that are a little different than the "Workspace Setup" doc
describes, but work for me. If any of you interested in Jazz component
development want to try these steps, I'd appreciate any feedback you have.
1) Get these 4 zips from the downloads page:
and unzip them all in the same place so you have a "jazz" folder that
contains 5 sub-folders: buildsystem, client, repotools, server, source.
1a) Workaround bug 25895. Somehow an older version of derby.jar got
into one of the release plug-ins. This is easy to fix manually.
find the the derby.jar here:
and rename it to derby.jar.old
now find the derby.jar here:
and copy it to the first location
The "good" derby has size of 2,253,277 bytes and you are replacing an
older version that is slightly smaller (2,131,777 bytes).
2) Start the client in .../jazz/client/eclipse/TeamConcert.exe
3) This is the "magic step". :-) We're going to use a launch
configuration to launch the Jazz server inside a Jetty web server.
Crafting the launch configuration is tricky so I'm going to attach one
here that should work. Create a simple Eclipse project called
"Launches" and copy this JazzServer.launch file into it. Then do Run >
Open Run Dialog... and choose "JazzServer" under the "OSGi Framework"
Now you should have a running Jazz server. Point a web browser to
http://localhost:9080/jazz and you should see a page with the list of
available services.
4) You can now import the "Hello Jazz" plugins into your workspace.
You will sort of get stuck here. I had compilation problems with the
tests plugin (com.example.hellojazz.client.tests) because it references
a plugin that did not make it into the release (filed bug 25959 for this).
I worked around this by creating a simple UI plugin that has an action
with the code in the testSayHello() method and opens a MessageBox with
the message from the server. I'll work on getting this UI plugin into
the HelloJazz download.
5) assuming you crafted some kind of simple UI plugin you can see the
Jazz client talking to the Jazz server like this:
a) stop your Jazz server if it was still running
b) in the Run dialog, select your JazzServer launch and under the
Bundles tab, under Workspace, select the com.example.hellojazz.common
and com.example.hellojazz.service bundles (but do not select the
"client" one).
c) apply that change and run the Jazz Server again. Now if you refresh
your web browser on http://localhost:9080/jazz you should see
com.example.hellojazz.common.service.IHelloJazzService in the list of
services (probably the first one).
d) in the Run dialog create a new Eclipse Application and run it (all
the default options should be ok).
e) in the Team Artifacts view create a repository connection and point
it to http://localhost:9080/jazz. Now you are talking to your server
and if you have an action that gets the IHelloJazzClientLibrary and runs
the sayHello() method, you can test that action manually.
kratky wrote:
First, many thanks for the Tech Note on writing "a trivial Jazz
component". It'll be great to learn how to extend Jazz!
However, I'm having trouble finding the "Client SDK" to
which that article refers, and which I apparently need before I can
get started. The "workspace setup" document at
refers to the Client SDK, which it says can be downloaded from:
.. however, at the time I write this, I do not see any reference to a
"Client SDK" on that downloads page. Is it the same as (or a
subset of) the Client Source Code package? Or am I just missing
something very obvious?
Thanks for your help!
I did attach the launch file. I can see and download the attachment in
my news reader (Mozilla Thunderbird) but I don't see it in the web
forum. Perhaps the web forum doesn't support attachments.
I'm not aware of a service deployment doc. Do you have some specific
questions on this topic?
cherath@ca.ibm.com wrote:
I did attach the launch file. I can see and download the attachment in
my news reader (Mozilla Thunderbird) but I don't see it in the web
forum. Perhaps the web forum doesn't support attachments.
I'm not aware of a service deployment doc. Do you have some specific
questions on this topic?
cherath@ca.ibm.com wrote:
Hi Chris,
Could you post the launch configuration file you mentioned in your
post. Further is there any document that explains the Jazz service